Eway Documentation
About Eway:
Eway seamless software out-the-box payment solutions. Known for dedicated culture to make running any online business a breeze.
Feature | Level of Support |
Auth | Implemented |
Sale (Auth+Capture) | Implemented |
Capture | Implemented |
Void | Implemented |
Credit | Implemented |
3DS 2 Passthrough | Implemented |
Gateway Tokenization | Implemented |
Authentication and Security Credentials:
- Password
- Key
- Partner ID
Supported Parameters:
Key Name | Format | Mandatory | Descriptions |
apiVersion | Numerical | Required | “1.0.1” |
apiType | Alphabetical | Required | “pxyhpci” |
userName | Alphanumeric | Required | API Username |
userPassKey | Alphanumeric | Required | API PassKey |
pxyCreditCard.creditCardNumber | Numerical | Required | HostedPCI Token Representing Credit Card |
pxy.CreditCard.cardCodeVerification | Numerical | Optional | HostedPCI Token Representing CVV Code |
pxyCreditCard.expirationMonth | Numerical | Required | Expiration month with 2 digits for example, for December use “12” |
pxyCreditCard.expirationYear | Numerical | Required | Expiration year with 4 digits for example, for 2025, use “2025” |
pxyTransaction.txnCurISO | Alphabetical | Required | 3 letter ISO Currency Code for example, “USD” or “CAD” |
pxyTransaction.txnAmount | Numerical | Required | Amount to Authorize, for example for $10.50 use 10.50 |
pxyTransaction.merchantRefId | Numerical | Required | Merchant reference number can be order id or invoice id |
pxyTransaction.txnPayName | Alphanumeric | Required | HostedPCI payment profile name, for example “DEF” |
pxyTransaction.txnComment | Alphabetical | Optional | Short comment |
pxyCustomerInfo.email | Alphanumeric | Optional | Customer’s Email Address |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.firstName | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s First Name |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.lastName | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Last Name |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.phoneNumber | Numerical | Optional | Billing Phone Number |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.address | Alphanumeric | Optional | Customer’s Billing Address |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.address2 | Alphanumeric | Optional | Secondary Billing Address |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.city | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Billing City |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.state | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Billing State or Province |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.zipCode | Numerical | Optional | Customer’s Billing Zip Code or Postal Code |
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.country | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Billing Country |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.firstName | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s First Name |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.lastName | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Last Name |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.phoneNumber | Numerical | Optional | Billing Phone Number |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.address | Alphanumeric | Optional | Customer’s Billing Address |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.address2 | Alphanumeric | Optional | Secondary Billing Address |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.city | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Billing City |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.state | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Billing State or Province |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.zipCode | Numerical | Optional | Customer’s Billing Zip Code or Postal Code |
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.country | Alphabetical | Optional | Customer’s Billing Country |
pxyTransaction.merchantCity | Alphabetical | Optional | Soft Descriptors / Dynamic Decriptors |
pxyTransaction.merchantPhoneNum | Numerical | Optional | Soft Descriptors / Dynamic Decriptors |
pxyTransaction.merchantProductName | Alphabetical | Optional | Soft Descriptors / Dynamic Decriptors |
pxyTransaction.cardOnFileSettlementDate | Date | Optional | Card On File |
pxyTransaction.cardOnFileIssuerId | AlphaNumeric | Optional | Card On File |
pxyTransaction.cardOnFileTxnRef | AlphaNumeric | Optional | Card On File – (U,R) |
pxyTransaction.cardOnFileTxnType | AlphaNumeric | Optional | Card On File – (0,1) |
API Endpoint URL:
API Request Body:
3DS 2.0 Passthrough implementation with Cardinal Commerce
eWay has been implemented with Cardinal Commerce for 3DS pass-through Authentication.
The parameters listed on the page are required along with the mandatory AUTH transaction parameters to make a successful 3DSecure transaction.
3DS 2.0 “Verifyenroll” Call
pxyTransaction.txnPayName | [3ds payment profile name] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.actionName | [verifyenroll] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.callMode | reportall |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authSessionId | [cruiseSessionId returned within threeDSValuesObj in hpciSiteSuccessHandlerV4 and later versions] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authOrderId | [threeDSOrderId returned within threeDSValuesObj in hpciSiteSuccessHandlerV4 and later versions] |
pxyCustomerInfo.browserUserAgentHeader | [Browser User Agent Header] |
pxyCustomerInfo.browserAcceptHeader | [Browser Accept Header] |
3DS 2.0 “verifyresp” Call
pxyTransaction.txnPayName | [3ds payment profile name] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.actionName | [verifyresp] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authSessionId | [cruiseSessionId returned within threeDSValuesObj in hpciSiteSuccessHandlerV4 and later versions] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authCAVV | [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSCAVV”] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authVerifyTxnId | [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSXid”] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.paReq | [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSPARequest”] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.protocolVersion | [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSProtoVersion”] |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authECI | |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.scaVisaMID | |
pxyThreeDSecAuth.exemptionIndicator |
3DS 2.0 Verifyenroll Request Call: