Common error codes

PPA_ACT_1 User not logged-in, please check the user name and passkey are valid
PPA_ACT_2 Invalid version, please use the correct version
PPA_ACT_3 Too many mapping failures, contact HPCI admin
PPA_ACT_4 SSL Required for the request, please https to submit the request
PPA_ACT_5 Credit card mapping failure, please make sure only mapped credit card numbers are used for the request
PPA_ACT_6 Payment gateway not configured for the currency, please contact HPCI to setup the correct gateway details
PPA_ACT_7 Credit card operation failed, please check the gateway specific return codes
PPA_ACT_8 Invalid amount, please check the amount sent
PPA_ACT_9 Dependent credit card operation not found, please provide the correct reference number for the dependent transaction
PPA_ACT_10 Unknown error, please contact HPCI
PPA_ACT_11 Invalid operation, please verify the request
PPA_ACT_12 Required parameter missing, please make sure missing parameter is provided
PPA_ACT_13 CVV mapping failed, please verify the request
PPA_ACT_14 Invalid expiry, please verify credit card expiry
PPA_ACT_15 Credit card payment failed
PPA_ACT_16 Used a duplicate transaction for the same reference number
PPA_ACT_17 Credit card payment declined
PPA_ACT_18 CC Token expired
PPA_ACT_19 CC Token Invalid
PPA_ACT_20 Not Found Token
PPA_ACT_21 ACH Token expired
PPA_ACT_22 ACH Token Invalid
PGT_SER_1 Unknown provider.
PGT_SER_2 Could not auth.
PGT_SER_3 Could not void
PGT_SER_4 Could not find
PGT_SER_5 Processing transaction
PGT_SER_6 Not implemented
PGT_SER_7 Capture not found.
PGT_SER_8 Points system not enabled
PGT_SER_9 Gateway parameter is missing. Please review the additional response fields for more details.
PGT_SER_10 Parameter not supported
PGT_SER_11 Result empty
PGT_SER_12 Could not initialize
PGT_SER_13 Invalid amount
PGT_SER_14 Unknown Auth transaction
PGT_SER_15 Unknown Sale transaction
PGT_SER_16 Unknown Void transaction
PGT_SER_17 Unknown Capture transaction
PGT_SER_18 Unknown Credit transaction
PGT_SER_19 Could not complete credit
PGT_SER_20 Call timeout
PGT_SER_21 Unknown lookup exception
PGT_SER_22 Preprocessor filter transaction rejected. Custom rule invoked.
PGT_SER_23 Could not tokenize
PGT_SER_24 Could not capture
PGT_SER_25 Processing mode not supported
PGT_SER_26 Unknown ACH Submit Exception
PGT_SER_27 Invalid Parameter
PGT_SER_28 Gateway Token creation failed
PGT_SER_29 Gateway Token not found
MCC_1 iFRAME error, Credit card not valid
MCC_2 IFRAME error, CVV not valid
MCC_3 Gateway Token profile name missing
MCC_4 Gateway Token profile currency missing
MCC_5 Gateway Token profile name amount missing
MCC_6 Gateway Token profile not found
MCC_7 Auth validation failed
MCC_8 Duplicate CC Token
MCC_9 Could not create Token
MCC_10 Exp month not valid
MCC_11 Exp year not valid
MCC_12 First Name not valid
MCC_13 Last Name not valid
AMC_ACT_2 This error is a packet replay error. This happens when a user has attempted to resubmit a form multiple times, it is usually through the use of back button.
AMC_ACT_3 CVV Invalid.
AMC_ACT_4 Three DS Info not found.
AMC_ACT_5 GooglePay Setup Error
AMC_ACT_6 Profile Setup Error
AMC_ACT_7 CC / ACH Mapping stopped
URU_3 This error means that the socked timeout, this can occur because there is a temporary issue with the payment gateway.
TDS_SER_1 Three DS Data Could not Verify
TDS_SER_2 Three DS Data not found
TDS_SER_3 Three DS Could not Verify Response
TDS_SER_4 Unknown Three DS provider