Entries by Milan Sapkota


Basic steps for thorough protection

Within the last two years, we have seen many storefronts migrate to a full eCommerce business, as well as other business types are required to provide online payment methods for their customer’s convenience and accommodation due to covid-19 restrictions. These companies that are now collecting customers’ personal information, along with payment information either over the phone or online are exposed to new potential breaches and threats due to the additional collection method.


HostedPCI Delayed BIN feature

By now everyone is adapting to the new 3DS 2.0 and MIT framework mandate which was introduced back in 2019. However, for some merchants, the 3DS 2.0 transaction flow continues to present challenges to their business processes. The most common concern we have received regarding the 3DS process is related to the BIN, while the roadblock may be different from Merchant to Merchant the underlying issue is the same and relates to the 3DS’ need to collect the BIN on the front end before Merchants have had a chance to analyze it.


Target Release Date set

The PCI council has been working hard to update and deliver a new version of the PCI DSS standard. Currently, the target date for the PCI DSS v4.0 release is estimated to be March 2022. This revision will be requesting for industry professionals to review and provide feedback about the draft before the final version is released in March.