Entries by hpcigg


Network Segmentation

Earlier this month the PCI SSC released a memo referring to their network segmentation guidelines, while network segmentation is not part of PCI scope, it seems that most breaches happen from systems that were deemed not in scope, and companies were unaware that their data was even being accessed by these systems.


TLS for Android – News Article

For online merchants the new PCI standards may effect the usability of their shopping carts on Android phones. Earlier this year two attacks related to PCI compliance where discovered, they were Heartbleed and POODLE. While it had been discovered in the past that SSL and early TLS encryption were vulnerable to attacks, they were still allowed to be used with a downgrade – dance, if the highest level handshake with TLS 1.2 failed


PCI 3.1 : Why so Quick

PCI Security Standards Council was created in 2006 to protect organizations and their customers from fraud. PCI compliance is a nationwide standard that all organizations that collect, exchange and process must follow in order to be secure. Typically PCI compliance is updated once every three years. PCI 3.0 went in to full effect in Jan , 2015 so how come PCI 3.1 was rushed out so quickly?


Differences in SAQ

Depending on what your business is and how it handles credit cards, will then dictate the type of SAQ ( Self Assessment Questionnaire) your organization must complete. Most companies under estimate the guidelines for PCI compliance, and will elect